Upāli's Dilemma: Balancing Devotion and New Faith

Upāli's Dilemma: Balancing Devotion and New Faith

By Dr. Nivitigala Sumitta Thero (Bhante Sumitta)

The story of Upāli, a former Jain disciple, is a notable episode in the life of the Buddha that illustrates the principles of respect, compassion, and the inclusivity of Buddhist teachings. It is a vivid example of how Buddhism acknowledges and values the contributions of individuals from other spiritual traditions.

The Story of Upāli

Upāli was originally a follower of Jainism, a spiritual tradition founded by Mahāvīra, which emphasizes strict asceticism and non-violence. He was known for his deep commitment to his Jain teachers and their practices. When Upāli encountered the Buddha, he was deeply impressed by his teachings and eventually decided to become a disciple of the Buddha.

One day, Upāli approached the Buddha with a concern. He had been a devoted disciple of his Jain teachers and felt a strong sense of duty towards them. He worried that by following the Buddha, he might be neglecting his former teachers and their needs.

The Buddha, displaying his characteristic wisdom and compassion, responded to Upāli's concern with profound understanding. He acknowledged Upāli’s dedication to his previous teachers and advised him on how to balance his new commitment with his old responsibilities.

In the Upāli Sutta (Majjhima Nikaya 1.5), the Buddha explicitly instructs Upāli not to abandon his former spiritual masters:

“Upāli, the right way is not to abandon the care of one’s previous teachers. Such a person should honor his teachers as his own parents, and continue to look after them with the same respect and care.”

The Buddha’s response was grounded in the principle of respect for one’s previous teachers and the recognition of their role in shaping Upāli’s spiritual journey. The Buddha’s guidance allowed Upāli to remain loyal and caring towards his former teachers while simultaneously embracing the Buddhist path.

Significance of the Story

This story illustrates several key aspects of Buddhist teaching:

Respect for All Paths: The Buddha’s response highlights the importance of respecting and honoring the teachings and teachers from which one comes, even as one follows a new spiritual path.

Compassion and Inclusivity: By advising Upāli to continue caring for his former teachers, the Buddha demonstrates a compassionate and inclusive approach, acknowledging that spiritual growth does not necessitate the abandonment of past relationships and duties.

Integration of Teachings: The Buddha’s guidance reflects an understanding that spiritual progress involves integrating new insights while valuing the foundational experiences that contributed to one’s growth.

Through this story, the Buddha exemplifies how his teachings embrace a respectful and holistic approach to spiritual life, ensuring that followers like Upāli can honor their past while engaging fully with their new path.


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