The United Nations and Human Rights: A Summary of Global Human Rights Framework and Initiatives

The United Nations and Human Rights: A Summary of Global Human Rights Framework and Initiatives

By Nivitigala Sumitta Thero (Bhante Sumitta)

The United Nations article on human rights delineates the essence and scope of human rights, asserting that they are inherent to all people, regardless of any distinguishing characteristics such as race, gender, or religion. These rights encompass fundamental freedoms including the right to life, liberty, freedom from torture, and the freedoms of opinion, expression, and education.

International human rights law imposes duties on governments to foster and safeguard these rights by either taking specific actions or refraining from certain acts. One of the landmark achievements of the United Nations has been the establishment of a comprehensive body of human rights law, rooted in the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). This foundational framework has been expanded over the years to include specific standards for various vulnerable groups, aiming to protect them from historical discrimination.

The UDHR, proclaimed in 1948, is highlighted as a pivotal document that was the first to outline fundamental human rights to be universally protected. This declaration has inspired many national constitutions and influenced democratic processes worldwide. Additionally, the article describes the role of the Human Rights Council and its innovative Universal Periodic Review (UPR), which reviews the human rights practices of UN member states. The council, along with special procedures and various investigative bodies, plays a critical role in monitoring and promoting human rights globally.

Furthermore, the article touches on the economic, social, and cultural rights protected under specific covenants and the civil and political rights covered by others, detailing the rights to fair work conditions, education, and freedom from discrimination among others.

Overall, the United Nations has created an extensive legal and institutional framework for human rights, which not only establishes global standards but also provides mechanisms for their promotion and protection. The article underscores the ongoing commitment of the UN to integrate human rights into all of its policies and programs across various domains including development, humanitarian assistance, and social and economic affairs.


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